Issue 90 | February 2013
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Welcome to the February issue of 3DCreative! In this month’s magazine we have a fantastic array of artwork from some of the top digital artists around today. We see a few new faces in our tutorials section, and a few old ones too. With an inspiring Making Of and fascinating interview, you won’t know where to begin!

We have the next instalments of Arturo Garcia and Renato Gonzalez Aguilante’s Beginners Guide to Modeling Futuristic Vehicles tutorials.  As always, Arturo covers the key skills in 3ds Max and Renato instructs in Maya. This month, they look specifically at texturing and shaders, both imparting some excellent tips on achieving that realistic futuristic render on your sci-fi vehicles.

Andrew Finch starts wrapping up his Unreal Games Engine tutorial series on creating a submarine pen, with the second-to-final instalment on applying particle effects and completing the final polish. Don’t miss the next issue for the final instalment in this fascinating and detailed series.
Brand new this month, is the first in a series of tutorials on Character Animation by Camilo Duarte Franco. He starts his series off with an excellent tutorial that gives an in-depth look at the basic human walk, and how to transfer those observations into your CG model. Watch out for those useful little hints on creating realistic movement!

Next in our series on Speed Sculpting with ZBrush is a fascinating one-off tutorial by CG artist Daniel Bystedt. Daniel’s tutorial gives us some handy hints on creating a realistic sculpt and divulges some of those universal sculpting tricks that can be used to create features on any humanoid model.

Prepare to explore the processes behind the fun Art Class image featured in last month’s gallery, in our bright Making Of by Robert Craig, and find out more about digital artist Matthew Burke in our interview, as he talks us through his rise from a small town in Iowa to a successful position in the digital gaming industry. To cap it all off, this month’s gallery also features some amazing new artwork from some of our best artists, so prepare to be inspired!

What in this month…
Interview: Matthew Burke

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Beginners Guide to Modeling
Futuristic Vehicles - Chapter 5

Tutorial Series:Character Animation:
Chapter 3
- Walking

Tutorial Series: The Submarine Pen
Chapter 8 - Finalizing the Lighting

Tutorial Series: ZBrush Speed Sculpting 2:
Chapter 1 - Oger

Making Of: Art Class
by Robert Craig


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