Issue 96 | August 2013
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Welcome to the August 2013 issue of 3dcreative magazine!

To celebrate our new look, we've invited the talented London-based character artist Andrew Hickinbottom to show us around his colourful portfolio in our feature interview. He also teaches us a few of his pro modelling tips and tricks in the tutorial section, so be sure to check that out! Andrew will be back next issue to show us how to tackle clothing in 3ds Max for stylised characters, too.

While the magazine looks all-new, the content inside is our usual top-notch quality, including tons of incredible art from around the world, plus a variety of in-depth tutorials to help you take your work to the next level. The big difference you'll notice is that it's now all much easier to read and enjoy. Awesome!

Here at 3DTotal, we’re looking forward to seeing your creations in the gallery soon!


What in this month…

The art of stylized pin-ups
Andrew Hickinbottom divulges his career highs and lows in an exclusive artist interview

Art gallery
10 of the latest and greatest 3D images from digital artists around the world

Stylized body modeling
Learn how to create a perfect stylized character body in Andrew Hickinbottom’s 3ds Max tutorial

Expert aliens
Create your own complete ZBrush alien with help and direction from the awesome Kurt Papstein

Sculpt photoreal faces
Expert Dan Roarty sets up the high-res base sculpt for a photorealistic face in Mudbox

3ds Max character creation
Dmitry Shareyko reveals a host of techniques for creating trousers, boots and buckles for cartoons

Model accessories in Maya
Patrick Evrard shows how to concept and create character accessories that are packed with story

The sketchbook of Jan Jinda
Gain an insight into the early stages of modeling with a sneak peak at Jan Jinda’s sketchbook

ZBrush insights
Jose Manuel Linares López outlines the key processes in creating creatures in ZBrush

Digital Art Master: Final Stand
Go behind the scenes of an epic sci-fi landscape by talented Maya artist, Brandon Martynowicz


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