Issue 69 | May 2011
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I don’t know about where you are, but we have been having some outstanding weather here in the UK. The sun has been shining, and there hasn’t been a drop of rain in sight. Perhaps this is a perfect opportunity for you to go out and get some reference images with your camera. But don’t stay away from your computer for too long as the new 3DCreative is here and it’s a good one!

The interview artist this month is Jason Martin. Jason is not only a great artist working for one of the biggest games studios in the known universe, but is also a nice and interesting guy. Jason had done a few jobs before he finally settled into his position at Blur, and in fact took a peculiar route into the industry, but as you will see from his portfolio he is now producing work of the highest quality.

The eye is often called the window to the soul because of the way it is perceived, and any artist will know that if you don’t get the eye right your image will not look right. In this issue our feature modeling artists tackle the eye and show us how to create a realistic eye for your model. We welcome back our artists; Jose Lazaro in 3ds Max, Gavin Goulden in Maya, Lino Masciulli in Cinema 4D and Anto Juricic in Modo.

Over the last few months the low-poly characters of Tamara Bakhlycheva have graced the 3DTotal galleries. I received so many emails from people asking if we could do a tutorial series about the creation of these images I thought “why not”. In this series Tamara will show us the entire process she uses to create the images from the concept through to the final production of the image. In this first chapter she sets of at an alarming rate and talks about the concepts and models the character!
I have been enjoying our UDK tutorial series and can’t wait to see some of your completed games environments. In this issue Andrew Finch continues to build upon his scene looking specifically at the lighting and post effects.

Our classical sculpture series hit the ground running last month and in this issue Rafael Ghencev continues to develop his fantastic sculpt by showing us how to texture our models and make them look like classical sculptures. Rafael shows us a great way to display our sculptures and some great techniques for creating the best results when you render your image. Next month it will be our classical Roman sculpture.

There is a huge jump from classical sculpture to this month’s making of by Carlos Ortega. Carlos is a cartoon king, and in this issue he shows us how he created his cool image Black Wires. Carlos keeps no secrets and walks us through each and every step that he took to create his image. This is another great Making of!The gallery this month features some amazing work, including images from Neil Maccormack, Dani Garcia, Kleber Darcio and Bruno Hamzagic. Have fun!

What in this month…
Interview: Jason Martin

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Modeling Features of the Human Anatomy: Chapter 2 - Eyes

Tutorial Series: Low Poly Charcters: Chapter 1 - Creating a Concept & Modeling
by Tamara Bakhlycheva

Tutorial Series: The Italian Courtyard

Unreal Games Engine Tutorial by Andrew Finch

Tutorial Series: Classical Sculpture - Chapter 2: Greek Sculpture Texturing by Rafael Ghencev

Making Of: Black Wires - Project Overview
by Carlos Ortega


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