Issue 70 | June 2011
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Welcome to the 70th issue of 3Dctreative magazine. A big thanks go to Carlos Ortega who provided this month’s outstanding cover! You may have seen this fantastic image in some of the CG forums, well we couldn’t resist the urge to stick it in pride of place on the cover of our magazine, well done Carlos.

This month we boast a huge selection of fantastic tutorials, but first we will mention the great Features of the anatomy series. If you are a character modeller or would like to be this is the series for you. So far each tutorial has walked us step by step through a logical approach to creating each feature, and this issue is no exception. Each of our artists talks us through an easily reproducible approach to creating hair in their software, and without any prompting at all remarkably they have all done a different hairstyle! As always we have Jose Lazaro in 3ds Max, Gavin Goulden in Maya, Lino Masciulli in Cinema 4D and Anto Juricic in Modo.

Tamara Bakhlycheva continues her gripping series this month by giving us a Mapping and Un-wrapping master-class! This series is developing into a real gem. If you are into the old school way of creating lo-poly character you really need to get your hands on these tutorials!

June is a sad month for me! Andrew Finch has finally completed his UDK tutorial and his fantastic Italian Courtyard. I have loved learning from Andy and taking full benefit from his industry experience. Andy tells you in this issue how to export your game into a playable file so I am hoping to get a chance to try some of your creations in the coming weeks, send your level to me at and I will let you know what I think.

The Classical Sculpture series has been a real surprise package. The tutorials have been an insight into not only the history of sculpture and its varying styles, but also into some of the amazing tools available in ZBrush. In this issue Rafael Ghencev turns his attention to Roman Sculpture and specifically a bust.

If I am honest with you I see a lot of interiors done in 3D, but every now and again one pops up that is done particularly well and that is the case with this month’s Making Of by Bertrand Benoit. Bertrand’s Tribeca Loft is a fantastic and detailed scene, boasting some very well executed lighting. If you like modelling interiors you will love this making of.This month’s interview is with a fantastic character modeller and texture by the name of Philip Herman. We also have further amazing art work in the gallery this month by great artists such as Carlos Ortega, Weiye Yin, Luis Nieves and many more. I hope you enjoy the latest instalment!

What in this month…
Interview: Philip Herman

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Modeling Features of the Human Anatomy: Chapter 2 - Hair

Tutorial Series: Low Poly Charcters: Chapter 2 - Mapping
by Tamara Bakhlycheva

Tutorial Series: The Italian Courtyard

Unreal Games Engine Tutorial by Andrew Finch

Tutorial Series: Classical Sculpture: Chapter 3 -
Roman Sculpting by Rafael Ghencev

Making Of: Tribeca Loft - Project Overview
by Bertrand Benoit


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