Issue 68 | April 2011
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Welcome to the 68th issue of 3DCreative.  I hope you are all feeling creative and ready to get stuck into some great new tutorials. In this issue we kick off two great new series including a new multi-software type tutorial that could prove to be very handy for all of you character artists out there.

But we will start this month by taking a brief look at this month’s interview. Robin Benes has been around for a few years now producing great work for numerous games companies. We recently had a reminder of how good Robin is when he posted his amazing image ‘The Goblin Pirate’ in our forums and everyone’s jaw hit the floor. In this issue we find out what he is doing, what he has been doing and what he would like to do.

This month’s Making Of is of the great caricature of Abraham Lincoln that featured in our galleries a few months ago. Stanko Stupar tells us how he created his amazing caricature using ZBrush. There are some great little tips in there, including help with doing hair and skin which is well worth taking a look at.

We have stepped back in time to look at Abraham Lincoln, but now we are going to go even further back to the time of the ancient Greeks. Classical art influences modern art all of the time, in fact the style and techniques of the pioneering artists have stayed with us and played a part in the design and set up of many of our digital art packages. In our new series ZBrush Classical sculpture Rafael Ghencev shows us how to sculpt in a classical style. As you can tell from the cover he has done a great job!

To continue on the theme of anatomy we can move on to talk about our new huge series about Modeling Features of the Human Anatomy. In this series our artists will be showing us in simple steps how to model the features of human anatomy that often prove to be a stumbling stone for many artists. This is a really handy set of tutorials will be dealt with by Jose Lazaro in 3ds Max, Gavin Goulden in Maya, Lino Masciulli in Cinema 4D and Anto Juricic in Modo. We kick the series of by looking at modeling the ear.

Our Photoshop Effects series ends this month, and in this issue Richard Tilbury will be showing us how to sink your scene! Rich takes a normal looking image of a pub, and puts it into the depths of the ocean with a few clever tricks in Photoshop. This is definitely worth a read!

Andy Finch continues his games level this month by continuing to build on his scene. This has been a really great series. If any of you have been following it and making your own level I would love to see it.

Wow! What a great magazine! This is topped off with great gallery images by Weiye Yin, David Lesperance, Aleksandr Kuskov and Luis Antonio. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy making it.

What in this month…
Interview: Robin Benes

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Modeling Features of the Human Anatomy: Chapter 1 - Ears

Tutorial Series: Photoshop Post Effects: Chapter 4 - Underwater by Richard Tilbury

Tutorial Series: The Italian Courtyard

Unreal Games Engine Tutorial by Andrew Finch

Tutorial Series: Classical Sculpture - Chapter 1: Greek Sculpting by Rafael Ghencev

Making Of: Abraham Lincoln - Project Overview
by Stanko Stupar


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