Issue 59 | July 2010
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So we are passed the half way point of the year and I hope you are enjoying the hot summer weather and are ready for another packed issue of 3DCreative.

There is so much great content in this magazine I don’t know where to begin. Maybe a good starting point would be this month’s interview which is with the sublime character artist Abraham Valdez. Abraham has been churning out great artwork in forums that has been catching our eye for some time now, and this month we finally caught up with him for an interview. Abraham tells us about his route from being a traditional artist to creating characters for the new Medal of Honor game at EA Games in America.

Some of you will remember the human looking Mr. Burns from the cover of the April issue of 3DCreative. Well in this month’s issue Martin Beyer tells us how he transformed a creepy Mr. Burns cartoon into an even creepier human looking version. Martin shows us how he captured the character of Mr Burns by perfecting his pose and how vital it is to have good reference images.

Richard Kazuo, Danilo Pinheiro and Luis San Juan Palleres take us one step closer to creating a finished Rig for our alien character. There are only two more chapters until the character is finished and the team at 3DTotal would love to see your animations, so send them in to me at

We hope you all felt inspired by the excellent scene we are lighting in our indoor lighting tutorial. I think it is very appropriate that as we are enjoying the best weather of the year so far this issues subject matter is lighting a Broad Daylight scene. We continue the series featuring Jamie Cardoso in 3DS Max and Mental Ray, Viktor Fretyan in 3DS Max and V-Ray, Fredi Voss in Cinema 4D and Luciano Iurino in Maya and mental ray.

I am sure that you all enjoyed Jose Alves da Silva’s first chapter of his Cartoon animal’s tutorial. In this issue Jose shows us how he gave his kangaroo attitude with an expressive pose, and how he started to incorporate his background into the image. In next month’s issue we will be wrapping up the series by looking at the texturing.

If Mudbox is more your kind of thing, check out the latest chapter in Wayne Robson’s female character creation series. In this issue Wayne shows us how to put piercings and tattoo’s on our female character. Wayne has also prepared some more videos for us where we can not only learn about modeling in Mudbox but also enjoy listening to his great accent!

As if that wasn’t enough our gallery features artwork from Igor Catto, Fabricio Moraes, Morteza Najafi and many more. Have fun!
What in this month…
Interview: Abraham Valdez - Senior Character Artist at EA Games

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Stylized a Toon Animal - Chapter 2: Posing and Texturing

Tutorial Series: Indoor Lighting Series for 3ds Max MR & V-Ray, Maya & Cinema 4D

Tutorial Series: Mudbox Female Character Creation Chapter 3: Piercings & Tattoos by Wayne Robson

Tutorial Series: Introduction to Rigging Series for 3ds Max & Maya

Making Of: Mr Burns - Project Overview by Martin Beyer

Promotion: Digital Art Masters:v4 - Free Chapter Book Promotion


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