Issue 60 | August 2010
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Welcome to the 60th issue of 3DCreative magazine. We are slowly heading towards the end of the summer and soon the wind and rain will come, but it’s not all doom and gloom as we have another splendid issue of 3DCreative for you.

This month’s cover image is the handy work of this month’s interviewed artist Maarten Verhoeven. Those of you who use 3DTotals galleries and forums and are regular readers of 3Dcreative will be aware of his work as it has featured in our galleries regularly. Maarten talks to us about what excites and inspires him in CG and shares some of his unique and fantastically executed characters with us.

Many of you will remember the excellent gallery image Max and Milton which featured in the April issue of 3DCreative. Well in this month’s Making Of we are told how it was created by not one but two outstanding artists, Jason Baldwin and Joe Beckley.  Jason deals with the design and sculpting whilst Joe tells us how he colored and textured the image entirely in Photoshop. I am sure you will agree the outcome is excellent, I think these guys are worth keeping an eye out for.

Ok so on to tutorials, this month we continue our Indoor Environment Lighting series and in this installment we take a look at some artificial lighting. This is a whole different ball game to the previous chapters as we now have to consider multiple lights from different directions and sources, but as always we are more than aptly guided through the process by Jamie Cardoso in 3ds max and Mental Ray, Viktor Fretyán in 3ds Max and Vray, Luciano Iurino in Maya and Mental ray and Fredi Voß in Cinema 4D.

We have all really loved the fantastic Stylized Cartoon Animal tutorial by Jose Alves da Silva, and this month’s issue contains the last piece of the puzzle as Jose turns our attention to texturing and post production. Jose has done a great job of explaining his process in detail throughout the tutorial series, and the final chapter is no exception as Jose shows us a really useful tip for creating realistic looking fur and even throws in a reference to an image some of you may be familiar with, see if you can spot it.
Mudbox is our next port of call, and in this issue Wayne Robson steps from the real to unreal and shares the dark world of Zombies with us. Wayne explains how references can still be vital even when dealing with things that aren’t real or quite as pleasant as we are used to.

Each issue takes us one step closer to completing a fully rigged alien character and in this issue we tackle the face. We really look forward to seeing all of your animations so feel free to post them in the animation section of the 3DTotal Forums. Richard Kazuo and Danilo Pinheiro will continue to instruct us in Maya and Luis San Juan Pallares will be leading the way in 3ds Max.

With this feast of tutorial content all we need now is a gallery showing some of the best 3D artwork around today and this month’s issue doesn’t fail to deliver with excellent work from Guillaume Cerdan, Marcos Nicacio, Daniil V. Alikov and many more.
What in this month…
Interview: Maarten Verhoeven - 3D Character Artist

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Stylized a Toon Animal - Chapter 3: Materials & Lighting

Tutorial Series: Indoor Lighting Series for 3ds Max MR & V-Ray, Maya & Cinema 4D

Tutorial Series: Mudbox Female Character Creation Chapter 4: Zombie by Wayne Robson

Tutorial Series: Introduction to Rigging Series for 3ds Max & Maya

Making Of: Max & Milton - Project Overview by Jason Baldwin & Joe Beckley

Promotion: Digital Art Masters:v4 - Free Chapter Book Promotion


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